Embrace: An Afro Dance Film

Ana Untico and Cori D

Ana Untico and Cori D

"Embracing my beauty comes from simple things such as gratitude." These are the first words that you hear in 'Embrace.' Embrace is a mixed media project that uses film, photography, dance, and interview to explore the relationship between skin complexion, identity, womanhood, and self-love.

From the choreography to the fashion and the choice of words, this is a piece that exudes confidence as well as a celebration of blackness and womanhood. Although it's called an Afro Dance Film, it feels like so much more. The director, Jan Rufus, does a great job at telling a great story in almost 4 minutes of footage.

Since we started with the first words heard when this film began, we decided we'd finish with the last words.

"I know where I come from. I know my history. That's already what I need for me to love myself and love my skin."

Coincidentally, the first word is Embracing and the last word is Skin. When put together, it brings a concise meaning to one of the core points in this film. "Embracing Skin."

We hope you enjoy the film below!


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