Lloyd Austin: Secretary of Defense

In recent week, Lloyd J. Austin has been appointed the United States secretary of defense. This makes him the first African American to hold this position. Secretary of defense is the second-highest military position in the United States. It is second only to the president of the United States.


Lloyd J. Austin is a retired four-star Army general who served from 1975 until his retirement in 2016.

Lloyd was born in Mobile, Alabama, but raised in Thomasville, Georgia. He attended West Point, where he graduated with a Bachelor's degree in 1975. He subsequently attended Auburn University where he received a Masters's degree in counselor educator in 1986.


Throughout his military career, Lloyd has held multiple commands, most notably during the War in Afghanistan and the Iraq War. Serving under Bush, Obama, and now Biden, Lloyd brings over 30 years of military experience and expertise to his current position as the secretary of defense. One of Lloyd's last posts was as Commanding General of United States forces in Iraq where he served from September 2010 until December 2011.


For there to be an African American in the highest military position outside of the president is a huge step in history that should be celebrated. Minorities make up over 30% of the armed forces, but that number isn't reflected in the leadership that makes all the tough decisions. The appointment of Lloyd Austin may serve as an opportunity for other qualified African Americans to be promoted to higher positions

Lloyd has been happily married for forty years and is the proud father of two stepsons. We're excited to see him succeed at being the secretary of defense the same way he's succeeded in the past. If history serves us correctly, he will treat this position as respectfully and selflessly as he has in his previous positions.


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Miriam “Mama Africa” Makeba